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I'm new here

We want to welcome you in a comfortable way and encourage you on stepping into our church


Meet Our Pastor

Pastor Coots is a licensed minister with the United Pentecostal Church International. He served on the Maryland/DC District Youth board and the Washington District Youth board in a variety of capacities from 2004 – 2012. He served on The Maryland/DC district as Home Missions secretary, Holy Ghost crusade coordinator, and district Bible Quiz coordinator. His ministerial background includes over 15 years in youth and family ministry. Pastor Coots is an evangelist and has preached many crusades across the country. Pastor Coots serves as the Sound Life Church Senior Pastor. He and his wife Telie ensure that Sound Life Church is consistent in equipping and empowering our leaders both now and for the future. He communicates a clear Biblical vision for church growth. He and his wife, Telie, have four beautiful Children: Destinee & Justin Orazio, Cherish, Tim & Hannah, and Malachi. 




We want your first visit to Sound Life Church to be exciting, friendly, and enjoyable for your whole family.  At Sound Life, you will not find a perfect church with perfect people but a body of hurting, broken, and searching people who have been set free by the blood of Jesus Christ and have been given the greatest mission of sharing in the gospel of Jesus Christ.



When are Your Services?

At Sound Life, our worship services are lively experience and focus on worshipping Jesus Christ.  Our purpose is to create an atmosphere where each person can EXPERIENCE the presence of God.

Sunday School begins at 10:00 a.m., and consists of 45 minutes of teaching on biblical principles.  We have 4 sessions going on simultaneously; Adult Sunday School, Youth Sunday School for ages 12-18, Sunday School for children 4-10 and Nursery Class for Infants & Toddlers.

We have a 11:00 am worship service. It includes multi-media and Contemporary Christian worship music, led by a Praise Band with guitars and drums. We hope you will be lifted up and touched by the ONE who gave us the ultimate opportunity to connect to Him through worship. We invite our guests to meet Pastor Tim and First Lady Telie Coots immediately following our Sunday services in our guest reception room. 

Our mid-week Bible Study is different every week.

1st Wednesday of the month, Midweek service at 7PM at SLC.

2nd Wednesday of the month, Life Groups. We will be spread out in homes all around Kitsap County doing Small group Bible studies.

3rd Wednesday of the month, We will be having our family night at 7pm here at SLC.

The 4th week we have our CONNECT week, All week we will have something for everyone. See our social media for updated info.



What should I wear?

We want you to feel comfortable. Whether you prefer casual dress or a coat and tie, you are welcome at Sound Life. After all, we are thrilled that you're joining us and want you to be more focused on the service than what you're wearing. We think you'll fit in no matter how you dress.



What does SLC provide in the way of childcare?

We are dedicated to ensuring that your little ones have a safe, fun, and meaningful experience when they come with you to worship. To that end, we provide a free nursery ministry staffed with trained, qualified, and screened nursery workers during each Sunday morning service.



How can I get involved?

At Sound Life, there is a place for you to be involved.  It is our plan that everyone have an opportunity to be involved in ministry.  Our 'Right Now Ministries' offer areas of involvement in several different ministries.  Whether you are gifted in singing or have a desire to give back to the people of our community, there is a place for you at Sound Life Church!



If there's something we missed!

Please give us a call, e-mail, or ask someone when you arrive. We exist to serve you and your family, and we are looking forward to meeting you personally.   We hope you'll feel right at home from the very first moment you step onto our campus! Let us know how we can serve you better, and we hope to meet you this Sunday!




We can't wait to see you at SLC!

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